Dr. Agnes Lee was born in Chongqing (Chungking) China right after World War II ended. Her family moved to Hong Kong in 1947 where she received her early education in a Catholic girl’s school. They moved to Taiwan in 1958 and she attended the Taipei First Girl’s Middle School (Bei Yi Nui) in Taiwan.
Agnes graduated from the Tamkang University in 1966 and received her Master’s and Ph. D. degrees in Physical Chemistry from the Bryn Mawr College in Philadelphia. Dr. Lee then engaged in biomedical research at the University of Iowa for ten years. She joined the Consolidated Bio-Medical Lab in Wichita, Kansas, which later became Roche Bio-Medical Lab and subsequently Lab Corp of America. Dr. Lee retired in 2003 as the Vice President for Operations responsible for the Mid-Land Division of eleven states based in Kansas City, Mo. The most rewarding work for her was helping the Tzu Chi Organization to establish its Bone Marrow Registry in Taiwan, which has since helped hundreds of lives.
Because of her love of arts, Dr. Agnes C. Lee co-founded the ArtPlus Partners, an art consulting and service company after her retirement. Since then, ArtPlus has helped many local and Chinese artists by organizing art shows and participating in competitions. During this period, Dr. Lee served on the Advisory Board of Seattle Asian Art Museum.
Agnes has fallen in love with arts ever since her grade school years when Sister Yen taught her the way to do pencil sketches. She loves to learn all different painting techniques and coloring contrasts. Equally, she loves to learn the story behind a painting, it's reflection on the culture and social contexts of the time the works were created. After retiring from the professional career, she has traveled extensively through Europe, visiting museums and reading about artists and their works.
After trying out various forms of painting techniques by herself, Dr. Lee began taking lessons from Mr. Deng Zuolie, renown local artist for Chinese traditional paintings two years ago. Her diligence and devotion is reflected in the selected paintings displayed in this show. Meanwhile, she also studies acrylic and mixed media paintings, mono-printing as well as beeswax encaustic techniques with Tracy Felix Fraker and April Richardson. In addition, Agnes creates handmade greeting cards for family and friends.
Dr. Agnes Lee believes that the the strength of her life lies in faith and love and the way to happiness is through hard work and good decisions. She also believes that a home decorated with real art works will bring harmony and peace to the family, a true purpose of good Feng-Shui.
Dr. Agnes Lee expresses her gratitude for her teachers, Mr. Deng Zuolie, Ms. Tracy Felix Fraker and Ms. April Richardson for their excellent teachings and friendship, Mr. Matt Timo for the many long and inspiring discussions about art and his expert help in hanging the works. Agnes Lee also wishes to thank her best friend Aifen Cheng for her sisterly love, Drs. Lydia and James Ho in supporting the framing of the works and the happy business collaborations through the years. Finally Agnes would like to thank her husband, Dr. Shiang-Yu Lee, and her family for their enthusiasm and constant support in her pursuits of art.
在美國醫檢公司(Laboratory Corporation of America)工作的二十五年間,吳宗鳳克服了工作中對女性的歧視,在公司內逐步晉升。吳宗鳳女士出生在重慶,在香港長大,後來隨父母搬往臺灣台灣,畢業於北一女及淡江大學化學系,並在美國布蘭瑪學院 (Bryn Mawr College) 取得化學博士學位。她最初做實驗室工作,而最終成為公司營運副總裁。她最滿意的成就之一,便是協助慈濟功德會在台灣舉行大規模骨髓檢測。吳宗鳳女士由醫化職場退休後,在西雅圖為藝術家和藝術展覽提供顧問服務,自己並開始作畫,她的多幅中國水墨和西式彩畫作品,得到中外機構、圖書舘以及個人收藏。